01245 830321
1. When you have registered for a philosophy course you will receive an email with joining instructions. It will say that the class starts at 9am Tuesday - it will say this regardless of which session you booked so please don't worry. This is because that bit of information is automatically generated by the events system - it sees all 7 slots over the three days as a single event starting at 9am on Tuesday.
2. Mobile Phones. Registering on a mobile, rather than a laptop, requires more clicks on the RSVP buttons. We are trying to fix this, thankyou for your patience/persistance.
3. The zoom link information is the same for the duration of the block. This is because we use the same virtual "classroom." You will not be sent a new link each week.
4. If you have not used the zoom platform before, please use the explanatory link in the email you recieved after registration in plenty of time before your class is due to start.
5. If you attempt to log in more than five minutes before your class, your link may not work, or you may be redirected to a waiting room until the facilitator is ready.